White bread

For the carré and the white farmhouse, this white bread is made with flour especially produced for us containing wheat, rye and spelt.
This flour has our name: the Pain Di Djou!
In total, almost 20 carefully-selected types of flour are used in our bakery, enabling using no synthetic or chemical additives.


The Galette

Bread with light and digestible inside. Classic !

  • Typé 10% 10%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The Farmhouse

A safe bet, for the enjoyment of young and old alike.

  • Typé 10% 10%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The white carré

Bread with light and digestible inside.

  • Typé 10% 10%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The over-baked

Well-baked bread, with light and digestible inside, having a unique crust taste.

  • Typé 50% 50%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The Miche

Bread with light and alveolate inside, perfect for sauce dishes because it enables not to let a drop in your plate !

  • Typé 30% 30%
  • Densité 10% 10%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The Viennese

Slightly sweet butter bread, with very little crust. A delight for the children.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 10% 10%
  • Graines 0% 0%



Our grey and multicereal bread

Discover our large range, from the classicist Ardennais to the most typical Norlander, each of them with no chemical and synthetic product,  only natural ingredients!



The Ardennais

Light-grey bread, with light and digestible inside. Available round or carré.

  • Typé 20% 20%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 25% 25%

The Complete

Grey bread made with white flour and flattened wheat. Perfect for its content in fibers.

  • Typé 30% 30%
  • Densité 60% 60%
  • Graines 40% 40%

The Spelt

Half-grey bread with classic inside, made with rye flour only.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 25% 25%

The Multicereal

Bread made of wheat flour, rye flour, corn, porridges, barley and millet. The sunflower, soya, flax, sesame seeds and grilled malt flakes give it a typical taste.

  • Typé 30% 30%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 75% 75%

The Maya

White bread with sunflower, flax and sesame seeds as well as soya fibers.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 30% 30%
  • Graines 75% 75%

The Prokorn

Bread made with a mix of cereals: sunflower, flax seeds, brown sugarcane. Very light inside.

  • Typé 50% 50%
  • Densité 20% 20%
  • Graines 65% 65%

The Rye

Bread with light inside, with both strong and soft taste. Low in saturated fats, rich in fibres and proteins, for a very good glycaemia indicator.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 55% 55%
  • Graines 0% 0%

Walnuts and Muesli

Half-grey bread with either walnut or muesli (different nuts, grape and candied fruit).

  • Typé 80% 80%
  • Densité 40% 40%
  • Graines 80% 80%

The Norlander

Very dark and compact bread, made with various cereals, seeds and spices. Rich in fibres, it is a very good source for proteins, having about 40 % less carbohydrate in comparison with common white bread.

  • Typé 100% 100%
  • Densité 100% 100%
  • Graines 100% 100%


Our breads of seeds


Discover our breads of seeds, with firm inside, that declines now in white, grey and multicereal.
Each of one made with natural flour.


The White

Bread with moist, thick and honeycomb-structured inside.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 70% 70%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The Grey

Bread with moist, thick and honeycomb-structured inside. The Grey is made with white and grey flour.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 70% 70%
  • Graines 25% 25%

The Multi

Bread with moist, thick and honeycomb-structured inside. Made with white and multicereal flour.

  • Typé 60% 60%
  • Densité 70% 70%
  • Graines 60% 60%



Our millstone bread


These types of bread are made with stone-grinded flour. Their production method gives us a strong and very qualitative identity.




The Tour de Meule

Very typical bread made with stone-grinded flour. Stylish and rich in vitamins and minerals. Its inside is thick and slightly moist.

  • Typé 90% 90%
  • Densité 85% 85%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The Paume

Made with stone-grinded flour on the basis of yeast, this type of bread has a qualitative and strong identity. Its slightly moist and thick inside is sourer than the Tour de Meule.

  • Typé 95% 95%
  • Densité 85% 85%
  • Graines 0% 0%

The Tour de Meule demi-gris

Made with stone-grinded flour only, white and complete. This bread has a thick and slightly moist inside, very typical.

  • Typé 90% 90%
  • Densité 80% 80%
  • Graines 25% 25%

The Tour de Meule Intégral

Very typical bread made with stone-grinded complete flour. Strong character and rich in vitamins and minerals. Its inside is thick and slightly moist.

  • Typé 95% 95%
  • Densité 80% 80%
  • Graines 40% 40%



The Brioches


Sugar bread, cramiques and chocolate chips. Let’s be seduced by our sweet creations, made with pure rose butter from Luxembourg!




Sugar bread

This sugar bread slightly sweet will enjoyed by the young and the old.


For breakfast or snack, let’s be tempted by our cramique, delicious and smooth.

Chocolate chips

Sweet and chocolate snack. Try it!

Do you want to try our gluten-free range?

We deliver now everywhere in Belgium.

Made today, your bread will be delivered tomorrow in the morning !

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